Tag Archives: Best

The 17 Greatest Explosions in Movies


This is fairly simple, explosions are brilliant. So why not just sit back, relax and enjoy the most thrilling moment of sixteen Hollywood movies? We have done difficult part for you now, you won’t have to sift through all that silly talking business anymore. Just a large boom and ensuing joy. If you feel we have overlooked any incredible explosions just leave a comment in the usual section at the bottom of the page and we’ll consider extending the list, because you’re worth it etc.

Without further ado, we give you The 16 Greatest Explosions in Movies

[dropcap]1. Swordfish[/dropcap]


The 360 degree view of the dirty bomb’s impact makes the fallout of the explosion feel well and truly epic and to use the word correctly for once, the scene is awesome.

[dropcap]2. Return of The Jedi[/dropcap]


Apart from the the effects which were excellent for the time, this explosion is important to have on the list as it marks the destruction of the second Death Star and ultimately the fall of the empire.

[dropcap]3. T2: Judgement Day[/dropcap]


Again, of the time I think we can all agree T2 was a landmark in the use of CGI, but the integration here with practical effects makes this moment truly classic, not to mention stand the test of time.

[dropcap]4. Independence Day[/dropcap]


This is probably now one of the most iconic explosions in cinematic history. If only they had succeeded in destroying the awful character of the president as played by Bill Pullman, then maybe we wouldn’t have had to endure that terrible speech at the end.

[dropcap]5. The Dark Knight[/dropcap]


It’s rare enough these Hollywood actually buys a building just to destroy it. We applaud Nolan for keeping the CGI to a minimum where applicable. The combination of Ledger’s maniacal performance before the detonation and the beautiful multi-angle IMAX shots make this cinematic gold.

[dropcap]6. The Rock[/dropcap]


A really nice shot of the explosion seen from above Alcatraz coupled with Nic Cage’s crazy flailing arms lend to this cementing it’s place on the list.

[dropcap]7. Stealth[/dropcap]


Firstly, it’s a terrible movie, so when this amazing feat of stunt work takes place it is about the only redeeming quality the film retains. I’d would love to see a featurette on how they did it.

[dropcap]8. Predator[/dropcap]


Maybe it’s just because this film is such an absolute classic that this makes the list. The Predators crazy cackling right before the nuke goes off stays with most people after watching the movie. Hell hath no fury like Arnold outrunning an alien space-nuke.

[dropcap]9. Tropic Thunder[/dropcap]


Apart from this being a badass explosion, Danny McBride is the trigger man. Enough said.

[dropcap]10. The Hurt Locker[/dropcap]


Watching this in genuine 1080p on a really good screen makes you feel every rumble in the soil as the bomb detonates. Really nicely put together from a technical standpoint.

[dropcap]11. Armageddon[/dropcap]


Armageddon is as if the actual film itself was born with the mind of a child. You simply can’t have a list about explosions and not include the work of Michael Bay.

[dropcap]12. Knowing[/dropcap]


Nic Cage rears his hilariously-styled head once again making his second entry on to the list this time in the confused film, Knowing. The pretty effects as the coastline gets evaporated along with the sheer scale of the destruction surely make this one a keeper.

[dropcap]13. Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol[/dropcap]


Is there anything Tom Cruise can’t outrun? (Other than Scientology and his sexuality of course)

[dropcap]14. The Expendables[/dropcap]


Because there’s nothing like real explosions.

[dropcap]15. Chain Reaction[/dropcap]


Firstly apologies for the awful music, I didn’t originally intend for you to have to endure both Keanu Reeves and 30 Seconds to Mars, I just hope the big 90’s nuclear explosion made it slightly tolerable.

[dropcap]16. Apocalypse Now[/dropcap]


Classic film, classic explosion and the classic line, “I love the smell of napalm in the morning.”

[dropcap]17. Fight Club[/dropcap]


I think that while the spectacle of the explosion itself isn’t quite on par visually with the rest of this list, that in a list of the best explosions the significance of the explosion in the movie coupled with the fact that Fight Club truly is a moden classic make it a worthy addition to the list.

If you enjoyed this list be sure to check out:

[dropcap]The 61 Greatest Movie Fight Scenes Ever[/dropcap]


[dropcap]The Greatest Speeches in Movies[/dropcap]

The 12 Greatest Lesbian Scenes in Movies [NSFW]


Sometimes compiling these lists takes a lot of painstaking research, I can tell you all now that this has probably been the most fun I’ve had compiling anything in my life. We have Bound, the first film from The Wachowski’s who wrote and directed The Matrix trilogy, that sees Gina Gershon get all hot and bothered with her beautiful accomplice. Of course we included the incredible sex scene with Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman from Black Swan, easily two of the cutest ladies on the planet. Yes it is a list we are very proud of here at Feck TV, in fact we’re so proud that we’re thinking about a part 2.

Without further ado we give you, The 11 Greatest Lesbian Scenes in Movies

1. Bound (1996)

2. Room in Rome (2010)

3. Black Swan (2010)

4. The Incredibly True Adventures of Two Girls in Love (1995)

5. I Can’t Think Straight (2008)

6. Sappho (2008)

7. Gia (1998)

8. Mullholland Dr. (2001)

9. LelleBelle (2010)

10. Vampyros Lesbos (1971)

11.About Cherry (2012)

12. Wild Things (1998)

From Man to Beast: The 9 Best Werewolf Transformations

Hemlock Grove Transformation werewolf, eli roth

Even if you have never watched the 1941 film ‘The Wolf Man,’ you probably still know what it takes to kill a werewolf, a silver bullet. That’s because “The Wolf Man” essentially did for werewolves what Bram Stoker’s novel “Dracula” did for vampires. Since the release of ‘The Wolf Man,’ Hollywood have been perfecting and exploring he different techniques and technologies available to enhance the audience’s experience. There is a good argument against the use of computer generated imagery being exploited in any films that can conceivably shoot the same sequence without our eyes instantly picking it up on the falsity of CGI. We feel this list is a good argument as to the pro’s and con’s of it’s use. Note that the no.2 spot released in 2013 and the no.1 spot was released in 1981, which do you find to be more impressive?

[dropcap]9. Teen Wolf[/dropcap]

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”CpQ_rLJ5yG8#at=107″ type=”youtube”]

[dropcap]8. Silver Bullet[/dropcap]

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”7p6bRqBJZzI#!” type=”youtube”]

[dropcap]7. An American Werewolf in Paris[/dropcap]

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”s8aAd_SGpvY” type=”youtube”]

[dropcap]6. Underworld: Rise of the Lycans[/dropcap]

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”2cqCNX_ZoDw” type=”youtube”]

[dropcap]5. Van Helsing[/dropcap]

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”yqUBVmmEgpA” type=”youtube”]

[dropcap]4. Company of Wolves[/dropcap]

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”wresBTVrSzk” type=”youtube”]

[dropcap]3. The Wolfman[/dropcap]

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”5XGybmm514w” type=”youtube”]

[dropcap]2. Hemlock Grove[/dropcap]

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”YNieysjSZW4″ type=”youtube”]

[dropcap]1. An American Werewolf in London[/dropcap]

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”UFLQS12z8K4″ type=”youtube”]

The Best of Feck TV’s Music-Rant: Featuring Chymera, New Valley Wolves and The Mandolas


We have had some absolutely incredible guests on our music shows since our company’s start, so we thought it would be a nice idea to refresh your collective memory and leave you with a choice of our favourites. We had the opportunity to catch up and fun with some really interesting musicians and tried to pry our way into their delicious minds.


First up we have New Valley Wolves, we managed to get our hands on the wolf pack before they had even played their first ever gig. They had just released their first video, Fire in the Blood, and have since been touring around Ireland to great success and the feral howling of new fans wherever they laid down their feverish riffs. Just watch the videos below, and enjoy the fruits of their labour.

Fire in The Blood’




We caught up with Berlin-based, legendary producer and DJ Chymera, we got to chat to Bren about the industry, the music that got him hooked, playing with bands and what it was like growing up in Cork. Chymera’s records have been released under the banner of some of the best house, techno and electro labels today, so we also got an insight into the freedom of movement within labels that release electronic music verses the more constrictive terms that apply to signed or established bands.

‘The Rumours of My Demise’




We met The Mandola’s earlier in the year, to find out what makes them tick, why they do what they do and which member of the band is more rock n’ roll. The Mandola’s have some of the sweetest folk harmonies we’ve heard in an age on our fair isle, well worth a few your Earth minutes to expose yourself to their beauty. Then we have an exclusive interview with the Music Technology students who have gone viral, the creator’s of Pulp Fiction: Kerry Shtyle tell us why half a million views later they’re still teacher’s pets.

‘Greatest Day’



The 5 Best Fan Film’s Ever Made

casey Jones

The 5 best fan films ever made.

There is always talk of reboots and remakes and adaptations in Hollywood and ninety percent of the time it’s never the movie we want to see. It’s some watered down re-hashed version of the same thing, minus the integrity, with twice the explosions. For some fans, it becomes time to take matters into there own hands, without access to cash or big effects their movies get made by dedication and their obsession with characters, and sometimes, just sometimes they even put in motion the film you, the fan, have always deserved, like Batman Begins.

5. Street Fighter: Legacy

‘Street Fighter-Legacy’ a Streetlight Films production, co-directed by Joey Ansah and Owen Trevor, produced by Jacqueline Quella and stars Jon Foo as Ryu and Christian Howard as Ken.’StreetFighter-Legacy’ a liveaction short film fan project, based on the popular Capcom gaming franchise: Street Fighter. Officially endorsed by Capcom.

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”h2ZXSzaUIBQ” type=”youtube”]

4. Metal Gear Solid: Philanthropy Next Gen

Giacomo Talamini is a man with a vision. The 27-year-old Italian film student was so into the video games of Hideo Kojima that he devoted a sizable chunk of his life to embodying the character of Solid Snake in Metal Gear Solid: Philanthropy. This short film, which cost over $13,000 to make over the course of several years, takes place before the events of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty, and features Snake teaming up with an organization called Philanthropy that was chartered to take down Metal Gears around the globe.

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”aaDSpp8evVk” type=”youtube”]

3. Mortal Kombat: Rebirth

This series of shorts based on the classic Mortal Kombat has spawned two official, fully endorsed web series, MOrtal Kombat: Legacy, showing just how far the young director has come. The second series of the online based shorts is due out in the coming months and you can watch the trailer here. The second series may however be the end of the increasingly popular fan-made shorts as he is now off to Hollywood to make the film he has always been campaigning to make, bring the video game franchise back to the silver screen for Warner Brothers.

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”N_gMRjL_6l8″ type=”youtube”]

2. Casey Jones

This enjoyable 30-minute fan film directed by Polaris Banks features the hockey mask-wearing vigilante from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise. Jones kicks ass with the requisite sports equipment, there’s cameos from Michaelangelo and April O’Neil, and even a Casey Jones rap song. This film, made on virtually zero budget, perfectly captures the 80’s aesthetic that the Turtles were born from.

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”U-UbqLOLwuE#!” type=”youtube”]

1. Batman: Dead End

This is the grandaddy of all the fan films, the movie that got Warner Brothers to get there asses in gear and remake Batman from scratch, proving that people want to see a gritty, realistic version of the character, even if he’s wearing grey tights, that if the character is right, all is forgiven. Director, Sandy Collara, worked under the late and great, special effects master Stan Winston and by the short films end sequence, his skills become more than apparent. The tone, the casting and the look of this film, despite the ridiculous ending are what got fans around the world once more begging for live-action Batman.

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”l9mD2G8sZ9o” type=”youtube”]


Guess Who’s Coming To Television?

hannibal tv show

Watch the first sneak peak trailer for the brand new Hannibal Lecter TV show.

He’s been scaring terrifying moviegoers for more than two decades. That’s about to change, as TV viewers will be the ones getting a taste, so to speak of Dr. Hannibal Lecter and his brand of terror. Premiering on April 4th on NBC, “Hannibal,” the Bryan Fuller-produced series, takes a spine-chilling look at the early days of the cannibalistic psychiatrist. Tackling the iconic role is Mads Mikkelsen, from Casino Royale and The Pusher Series, playing a younger version of Lecter, in a story about a determined FBI profiler (Hugh Dancy) who’s hunting down a diabolical serial killer and gets paired up with the doctor (who at the time is only known as the country’s leading serial killer expert).

Will Graham is a gifted criminal profiler who is on the hunt for a serial killer with the FBI. Graham’s unique way of thinking gives him the astonishing ability to empathize with anyone — even psychopaths. He seems to know what makes them tick. But when the mind of the twisted killer he’s pursuing is too complicated for even Will to comprehend, he enlists the help of Dr. Lecter, one of the premier psychiatric minds in the country. Armed with the uncanny expertise of the brilliant doctor, Will and Hannibal (known as a serial killer only to the audience) form a brilliant partnership and it seems there’s no villain they can’t catch. If Will only knew…

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”Dsv6FySoJ0M” type=”youtube”]