5 Strange Facts About Led Zeppelin

zeppelin facts

A list of five facts you may not have known about Led Zeppelin.

Led Zeppelin are arguably one of the best bands of all time. Every member of the band was an absolutely stand out performer in their own field. There have been many bands that have tried to repeat the formula they defined. The seventies and eighties were crowded with bands of similar structure and skill, like Aerosmith, Queen and Guns n’ Roses, but none of them came close to honing the magic and improvisation of Zeppelin.

1. If you play Stairway to Heaven backwards it sounds mildly evil at some point.
In 1982, a California State Assembly consumer-protection-committee hearing featured testimony from “experts” who claimed that “Stairway,” when played backward, contained the words: “I sing because I live with Satan. The Lord turns me off — there’s no escaping it. Here’s to my sweet Satan, whose power is Satan. He will give you 666. I live for Satan.” Hardly evidence of a secret demonic message,  although it is easy to hear most of the quotes when you play the record backwards and have the words infront of you. It’s a bit of stretch though.

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”zwBdpESvSKM” type=”youtube”]

2. They recorded dead cheap.
Jimmy Page has said that the first self-titled Led Zeppelin album only took 35 hours to produce and mix, and cost £1,750 to produce, including the artwork. That’s roughly €2,400 at today’s exchange rate, which isn’t all that relevant, but considering the profits made that’s some pretty good f*cking lift for your bucks.

3. What’s the name Led Zeppelin all about?
They got the idea for the name from Keith Moon. Before Page joined the Yardbirds, he got together with Moon (who was upset with his role in The Who at the time), John Paul Jones, Nicky Hopkins and Jeff Beck, and they discussed forming a band. Moon stated that this band would go down like a “Lead Balloon,” and soon thereafter he worked out his problems with The Who and the project fell apart. Also, the reason the ‘Led’ isn’t spelled ‘Lead’ in their name is simple, they didn’t want mispronunciation.

4. Led Zeppelin never released a single in the UK.
No singles were released in England, and very few in the US. Manager Peter Grant tried to keep the record companies from releasing singles, fearing that it would hurt album sales. Very few Led Zeppelin singles were released in the US, and in the UK, none were released until “Whole Lotta Love” in 1997, some 18 years after it was written. Despite having never released a single they still managed to have a song on Top of The Pops every single week. The theme tune, ‘Whole lotta love’.

5. The Red Snapper Incident.
They made #1 on Spin magazine’s list of the 100 Sleaziest Moments in Rock for what is known as The Red Snapper Incident. The story goes that on a tour stop in Seattle in 1969, they mixed a redheaded groupie with red snapper. The questionable story goes that a pretty young groupie with red hair, was disrobed and tied to the bed and that Led Zeppelin then proceeded to stuff pieces of the large fish into her vagina and rectum. I know, it’s gross. Have we not all seen stranger on the interweb though?

Regarding the band’s legacy for debauchery, Robert Plant said in an interview with Cameron Crowe, “That whole lunacy thing was all people knew about us and it was all word-of-mouth. All those times of lunacy were okay, but we aren’t and never were monsters. Just good-time boys, loved by their fans and hated by their critics.”

The Top 5 Greatest Cheesy Dance Songs of The 90’s


 The very best of cheesy 90’s dance music Top 5 Countdown.

Here is my list of what I consider to be the best of the early 1990’s cheesy dance hits, and I am an avid monger of this filth. It starts with pretending to enjoy it, at the time of its release maybe you mocked it, but as time went on these cringe worthy songs all stated to shine just a little bit brighter.

Then you have the pure unrivaled nostalgia that can come from just a few stabs of a Casio keyboard, that elevate your senses and make you want to dance like it was  Snack-box-Tuesday. The outfits were dire and the hair was worse. A sea of multi-colored parachute pants on a bed on neon glow-sticks. It’s pretty hard to resist.

Now I might add, some of the best dance music of all time came out of the nineties, with the likes of The Prodigy, Orbital, Leftfield and Underworld to name but a few, but this is not a list for respectable artists. These songs are not about substance or integrity, they’re about having a laugh and f*cking good dance around the kitchen. Without further ado, the good times…

5. No Limit by 2 Unlimited

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”aFd5Cci_pE4″ type=”youtube”]

4. ‘Rhythm of the night’ by Corona

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”u3ltZmI5LQw” type=”youtube”]

3. ‘Mr Vein’ by Culture Beat

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”cvgUdrzGNys” type=”youtube”]

2. ‘Rhythm is a dancer’ by SNAP!

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”JYIaWeVL1JM” type=”youtube”]

1. ‘What is love’ by Haddaway

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”VVmbhYKDKfU” type=”youtube”]

Five reasons Jack White is a true rock star

jack white

Singer, song-writer, guitarist and producer, Jack White is vital in todays music. He is one of the only true rock stars left on this planet of ours. In a music scene where the charts are dominated by auto-tuned vocals and Transformers sound effects dub-step, it is more important than ever to have real musicians that will inspire the next generation of rock stars. The man wears his influences on his sleeve and has had no problem going toe to toe with the general pop-muck that has driven us back into the safety of our bedrooms and away from the unbearable hissings of all the Nicki Minaj’s out there.

[dropcap]5. Blue Orchid[/dropcap]


[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”JsnIdx8JSBY” type=”youtube”]


[dropcap]4. Dead leaves and the dirty ground[/dropcap]


[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”SPRJ0iusGk0″ type=”youtube”]


[dropcap]3. Seven Nation Army[/dropcap]


[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”H1_cg9hFSVE” type=”youtube”]


[dropcap]2. Jolene[/dropcap]


[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”kS60oTRxh0g” type=”youtube”]


[dropcap]1. Those fucking solos[/dropcap]


[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”EaiBb1rEWY4″ type=”youtube”]

How A Face Changes With Light [VIDEO]


This beautifully put together video showcases the extraordinary effect that light can have on a single human image, the woman’s face changes from beautiful, to scary, to beautiful, to ugly, to majestic, to beautiful, to mainly beautiful we’ll be honest, but in seriousness, she does look dramatically different every time the light source rotates to a different angle.

The trippy video was made by Nacho Guzman, who used a moving light and changing colors to cause a woman’s face to look like it’s constantly morphing into someone else’s. The short clip is a teaser for an upcoming music video of the song “Sparkles and Wine” by French electronica outfit group Opale.

The video was shot using a a Canon 5D Mark II DSLR with two lenses and LED lights that were fixed to a ring and rotated around the woman’s face.

[video width=”640″ height=”360″ id=”H76kFF8gr0I” type=”youtube”]

Sources: LiveLeak, petapixel

Image: YouTube

The 17 Greatest Explosions in Movies


This is fairly simple, explosions are brilliant. So why not just sit back, relax and enjoy the most thrilling moment of sixteen Hollywood movies? We have done difficult part for you now, you won’t have to sift through all that silly talking business anymore. Just a large boom and ensuing joy. If you feel we have overlooked any incredible explosions just leave a comment in the usual section at the bottom of the page and we’ll consider extending the list, because you’re worth it etc.

Without further ado, we give you The 16 Greatest Explosions in Movies

[dropcap]1. Swordfish[/dropcap]


The 360 degree view of the dirty bomb’s impact makes the fallout of the explosion feel well and truly epic and to use the word correctly for once, the scene is awesome.

[dropcap]2. Return of The Jedi[/dropcap]


Apart from the the effects which were excellent for the time, this explosion is important to have on the list as it marks the destruction of the second Death Star and ultimately the fall of the empire.

[dropcap]3. T2: Judgement Day[/dropcap]


Again, of the time I think we can all agree T2 was a landmark in the use of CGI, but the integration here with practical effects makes this moment truly classic, not to mention stand the test of time.

[dropcap]4. Independence Day[/dropcap]


This is probably now one of the most iconic explosions in cinematic history. If only they had succeeded in destroying the awful character of the president as played by Bill Pullman, then maybe we wouldn’t have had to endure that terrible speech at the end.

[dropcap]5. The Dark Knight[/dropcap]


It’s rare enough these Hollywood actually buys a building just to destroy it. We applaud Nolan for keeping the CGI to a minimum where applicable. The combination of Ledger’s maniacal performance before the detonation and the beautiful multi-angle IMAX shots make this cinematic gold.

[dropcap]6. The Rock[/dropcap]


A really nice shot of the explosion seen from above Alcatraz coupled with Nic Cage’s crazy flailing arms lend to this cementing it’s place on the list.

[dropcap]7. Stealth[/dropcap]


Firstly, it’s a terrible movie, so when this amazing feat of stunt work takes place it is about the only redeeming quality the film retains. I’d would love to see a featurette on how they did it.

[dropcap]8. Predator[/dropcap]


Maybe it’s just because this film is such an absolute classic that this makes the list. The Predators crazy cackling right before the nuke goes off stays with most people after watching the movie. Hell hath no fury like Arnold outrunning an alien space-nuke.

[dropcap]9. Tropic Thunder[/dropcap]


Apart from this being a badass explosion, Danny McBride is the trigger man. Enough said.

[dropcap]10. The Hurt Locker[/dropcap]


Watching this in genuine 1080p on a really good screen makes you feel every rumble in the soil as the bomb detonates. Really nicely put together from a technical standpoint.

[dropcap]11. Armageddon[/dropcap]


Armageddon is as if the actual film itself was born with the mind of a child. You simply can’t have a list about explosions and not include the work of Michael Bay.

[dropcap]12. Knowing[/dropcap]


Nic Cage rears his hilariously-styled head once again making his second entry on to the list this time in the confused film, Knowing. The pretty effects as the coastline gets evaporated along with the sheer scale of the destruction surely make this one a keeper.

[dropcap]13. Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol[/dropcap]


Is there anything Tom Cruise can’t outrun? (Other than Scientology and his sexuality of course)

[dropcap]14. The Expendables[/dropcap]


Because there’s nothing like real explosions.

[dropcap]15. Chain Reaction[/dropcap]


Firstly apologies for the awful music, I didn’t originally intend for you to have to endure both Keanu Reeves and 30 Seconds to Mars, I just hope the big 90’s nuclear explosion made it slightly tolerable.

[dropcap]16. Apocalypse Now[/dropcap]


Classic film, classic explosion and the classic line, “I love the smell of napalm in the morning.”

[dropcap]17. Fight Club[/dropcap]


I think that while the spectacle of the explosion itself isn’t quite on par visually with the rest of this list, that in a list of the best explosions the significance of the explosion in the movie coupled with the fact that Fight Club truly is a moden classic make it a worthy addition to the list.

If you enjoyed this list be sure to check out:

[dropcap]The 61 Greatest Movie Fight Scenes Ever[/dropcap]


[dropcap]The Greatest Speeches in Movies[/dropcap]

New Man of Steel TV Spot: Superman Embraces His Rage


Yet another dazzling Man of Steel spot has flown our way and it features new footage General Zod and a lot of general destruction, the clincher in this new spot is we get to see one angry looking Superman as he makes a bee-line for someone or something. It looks like Warner Brothers, Team Nolan and director, Zack Snyder have really hit the nail on the head this time, bringing to life the true character we have all known and loved from the comic books and finally some super wrath to boot. Man of Steel is set to hit theaters in 3D this July, and goddammit July just can’t come fast enough for all of us geeks at Feck Towers.

[highlight]In the pantheon of superheroes, Superman is the most recognized and revered character of all time. Clark Kent/Kal-El (Cavill) is a young twentysomething journalist who feels alienated by powers beyond anyone’s imagination. Transported to Earth years ago from Krypton, an advanced alien planet, Clark struggles with the ultimate question – Why am I here? Shaped by the values of his adoptive parents Martha (Lane) and Jonathan Kent (Costner), Clark soon discovers that having super abilities means making very difficult decisions. But when the world needs stability the most, it comes under attack. Will his abilities be used to maintain peace or ultimately used to divide and conquer? Clark must become the hero known as “Superman,” not only to shine as the world’s last beacon of hope but to protect the ones he loves.[/highlight]

The World’s Weirest Family Photos Part 3


Firstly, if you missed part one just catch up by clicking: The World’s Weirest Family Photos Part 1 and The World’s Weirest Family Photos Part 2

They say one bad photograph can haunt you for the rest of your life and we believe this list is the only proof you need to confirm that. It’s hard to know who or what exactly to blame for the atrocious car-wrecks that are these family portraits. I mean c’mon, who honestly thought it would be a good idea to all get photographed in anatomically-correct body-suits knitted from flesh coloured wool, complete with thick black woollen pubic hair? I mean for fuck’s sake. Normally you can blame a period of time and take defence behind the fashion of the era, but it’s not the clothes and hair alone that make these people look truly obscure.

Without further ado, we give you The World’s Weirest Family Photos Part 3


The World’s Weirest Family Photos Part 2


Firstly, if you missed part one just catch up by clicking: The World’s Weirest Family Photos Part 1

They say one bad photograph can haunt you for the rest of your life and we believe this list is the only proof you need to confirm that. It’s hard to know who or what exactly to blame for the atrocious car-wrecks that are these family portraits. I mean c’mon, who honestly thought it would be a good idea to all get photographed in anatomically-correct body-suits knitted from flesh coloured wool, complete with thick black woollen pubic hair? I mean for fuck’s sake. Normally you can blame a period of time and take defence behind the fashion of the era, but it’s not the clothes and hair alone that make these people look truly obscure.

Without further ado, we give you The World’s Weirest Family Photos Part 2


The World’s Weirest Family Photos Part 1


They say one bad photograph can haunt you for the rest of your life and we believe this list is the only proof you need to confirm that. It’s hard to know who or what exactly to blame for the atrocious car-wrecks that are these family portraits. I mean c’mon, who honestly thought it would be a good idea to all get photographed in anatomically-correct body-suits knitted from flesh coloured wool, complete with thick black woollen pubic hair? I mean for fuck’s sake. Normally you can blame a period of time and take defence behind the fashion of the era, but it’s not the clothes and hair alone that make these people look truly obscure.

Without further ado, we give you The World’s Weirest Family Photos Part 1
